Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Another PROPHECY SWAG Giveaway!

Ok guys, it's October and PROPHECY is out in 90 days! Can you believe it? I can't. The Goodreads giveaway for PROPHECY ARCs has now gone over 3100 entries! So what does this all mean?

It's time for another PROPHECY SWAG giveaway! This time I'm giving away 10 little Prophecy charms and signed bookmarks.

This giveaway is open to everyone! International folks are welcome! All you have to do is comment for a chance to win. For extra points, add Prophecy to your Goodreads shelves, or like the Prophecy FB page, or be a buddy on this blog (see sidebar), or follow me on twitter and/or tweet about the giveaway! And then just leave me a comment here to tell me what you did. If you tweet about the giveaway, don't forget to include @elloecho to your tweet! If you already do any of these things, then say so in your comment and you will get the full points! I'm not using Rafflecopter this time because it doesn't account for if you've already done any of these things so this is gonna be based on a matter of trust (and random border checks!). This contest will end Saturday!

And don't forget the giveaway for Mike Jung's awesome book Geeks, Girls and Secret Identities which is still going on until Friday! That contest is also open internationally!

Good luck everyone! And thanks for spreading the Prophecy love!


Jana said...

I've added Prophecy in my GR shelves! :)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe PROPHECY comes out in ninety days either! Oh, how time flies. :D I can't wait to get my hands on it! :D

I tweeted!

Kayley said...

I added Prophecy to my GR shelves (username: Kayley.)

I'm also a buddie. :)
Username: Kayley Freshman-Caffrey

Diannosaurreads said...

I added Prophecy to be read on my goodreads account :) Diana K
I'm also a twitter follower: Diannosaurr

Anonymous said...

I added Prophecy to my GoodReads shelf (Emilli Lee) and I also followed on twitter and tweeted about the giveaway!(@LadyLovatic)I also liked the page on Facebook (Emilli Lee) :D I hope I will! The book is one I'm going to be looking out for! :) x

Haley G said...

I've had you book on my Goodreads shelf ever since I saw it, and I tweeted about the giveaway.

Deborah Julene said...

Add on Goodreads? Check! Like on Facebook? Check! Buddy the Blog? Check! Follow on Twitter? Check! Thanks for the giveaway (:

「卡斯帕」 said...

I liked the Prophecy Facebook-page! :D

Danielle D said...

Added the book on GR
Follow you on FB
Follow you on Twitter
Follow your blog via GFC
Re-Tweeted about the contest

Alyssa said...

YAY! Thanks for the giveaway! I already a bunch of stuff:

- Added PROPHECY on Goodreads (Alyssa Susanna)

- Liked the PROPHECY FB page (Alyssa Susanna)

- Became a buddy on the blog (GFC - Alyssa Susanna)

- Followed you on Twitter (@Alyssa_Susanna)

- Tweeted:

I think that's it.


<3 <3 <3 <3

Grace Lavender said...

Following on GFC and also liked facebook page :)

Jessica said...

Ahhh, the phone charms are just so cute! :D

*So* excited for Prophecy to come out!

I already follow you on twitter (@alicejane011)

thepamjelly said...

YAY FOR SWAG! :D Those look awesome. Thanks for the giveaway and for making it international!

Also can't wait to read Prophecy. <3

Added book to GR (Pam Lestrange)
Liked Propechy on FB (Pam Lestrange)
Already following on Twitter (@jellylovesbooks)

ArtemisG said...

They look very beautiful, thank you for the chance!

Added PROPHECY on Goodreads: Diana Giote
Liked the PROPHECY FB page: Demitra Giote
GFC follower: Diana
Twitter follower : @artdem83

artgiote at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Oh, the loveliness. *fingers curl and uncurl with avarice* Going to retweet you now.

TechNubie said...

Those charms are so cute! I added the book to my GR.

Kat C @ Books and Sensibility said...

Ooh, your Swag looks so nice and shiny ! Can't wait for Prophecy, I need a little more epic fantasy in my reading diet.

I follow you on Twitter: @books_sense

I added your book to goodreads:

Unknown said...

Prophecy, Oh, Prophecy, where art thou!

- Added PROPHECY on Goodreads (

- Liked the PROPHECY FB page (Kristoffer Von Pierre Peralta)

- Became a buddy on the blog (GFC - Von is Mr. Book Wonder)

- Followed you on Twitter (@mrbookwonder)

- Tweeted: (

Thank you so much Ellen!

Unknown said...

Added to my GReads shelves (Nikki(Fiction Freak))

Follow you on Twitter @Nikki_Wang

:D And those charms look absolutely ADORABLE!!! :D

Madalina said...

Thanks for the amazing giveaway and for making it international. Love the swag. They look great.

I added Prophecy to my GR shelves (username: Mada).
Liked the Prophecy FB page (Madalina Maria)
Followed on twitter (@madalinabooks)
Became a buddy on the blog (Madalina's Books via GFC)

Max said...

And added to goodreads:

Van Pham said...

Dying to read Prophecy!

-I added Prophecy to my GR shelves (Van Pham)
-Liked Prophecy FB page (Van Pham)
-Twitter follower (@vanpham88)

Thanks for the giveaway.

A Canadian Girl said...

Thanks for the giveaway, Ellen!

I added Prophecy to my Goodreads shelf a long time ago and follow you via GFC and Twitter :)

Llehn said...

I'd love to play please.

Following your blog.


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