Monday, May 11, 2009

The lights are on but I'm not home

I finished off all my grading (except for a few stragglers) and have begun to decompress. My head actually was hurting from reading too much and I had to take myself off the computer for the weekend. I feel tired and foggy and stupid. My synapses are moving slower than usual. The other day someone kept screaming for Mommy and I kept thinking it was someone else's kid, except I was home and the screaming kid came and threw herself at me in hysterics, scaring me half to death. I haven't done anything stupid like throw my wallet in the garbage... yet. But when I get like this my stupidity frightens me.

So I haven't been reading blogs and my google reader is now showing 1,000+ and I know it will be hell to catch up on, but hopefully I'll start slowly come around visiting later this week. In the meantime, can I share this awesome video that even I, in all my glorious stupidity, really enjoyed.


  1. 1,000? You've got me beat. But to be honest, last time I got over 200, I freaked and just hit "Mark all as read"!!!

    It's really amazing how fast blogging comments and such goes when you just delete it all.

  2. OMG: 1000 is crazy. At least you had a weekend off. Hope you had a Happy Mother's Day!

  3. That brain numb feeling will only go away with 'quiet time'. Do like Beth and mark "all read" and then chill.

    It's Ellentime.

    That vid was too funny.

  4. As long as you remember that the CD player does not play salami, there shouldn't be too much lasting damage...

  5. Mark as all read and then chill. I liked the video :)

  6. LOL! I thrive on glorious stupidity! Luv'd the clip! Thnx for the giggles.

  7. I love silliness!

    I agree, ignore the 1000 and just give yourself a break. We will all be here with tantalizing blog posts later in the week ;)

  8. hahahahahahahaha

    watchu trying to say about Iowa?!

  9. Well mine just says 61... so I guess I can catch up. :D

    Video was great as always. Love unintentional singing. :P

  10. "Mark all as read" is your friend. :-)

    I know what you mean, though. I hate missing posts of my friends' lives!

  11. Hi Ello!
    I know the brain fog of which you speak! It has me putting OJ in the pantry and cereal in the fridge.

    My favorite part of that video was Frank, the angry gorilla!

  12. Love the video! Nice bit of comic relief in a long week of revisions and writing :-) Hope the fog clears now that the semester is over.

  13. For some reason, I can't get that video to play. Rats.

    Although I'm busy too (final exams in only two weeks!) I'm having the opposite problem with the kid thing: I keep hearing kids crying and thinking it's one of mine. Pathetic, isn't it?

  14. are you SURE those kids are yours, el? :O lol

  15. Hello Ello!

    Here I've been feeling bad about not getting around to all my blogging buddies, and two out three have been at least as preoccupied as me!

    Anyway, great to be back. Your posts are quite a lift. Love the stories about your wee ones. I remember when mine were little...then they became teenagers!

  16. i have to say that grading is enormously exhausting and quite strips the creative neurons of their fuzzy juices. I have 60 portfolios to grade over the weekend...and I'm dreading the adventure, to be honest. *sigh*
