Friday, July 3, 2009

Introducing the Chinatown Film Project

This is the trailer for the the inaugural film exhibition of the Museum of Chinese in America. I stole it from the Angry Asian Man, where I get all the great Asian stuff. Ten of New York's most exciting filmmakers present their unique vision of the mysterious, elusive, vibrant, iconic community known as Chinatown. The MOCA gallery in NYC held it's Chinatown Film Project on July 1st, but it has an online component allowing people from different Chinatowns all over the world to upload a short video. Here's the website. It's a pretty awesome project and a great look into a different world.

The trailer is a little musical tribute to Chinatown. I hope you enjoy it.

Don't forget my contest for Where the Mountain Meets the Moon!


  1. That's awesome. I love the song and the tour of different places around Chinatown. Also, I really like her dress.

    I have that song stuck in my head now, but in a good way. :)

  2. This was a cool video. It was almost like I was back in Beijing! But then, not. :)

    Her dress was cute.

  3. I like that she has books in the background. Whoo hoo.

  4. I enjoyed how she looked so deadly serious, even angry, for so long and then she pops out with the little flute piano thing and winks.

  5. This is cool. Thank you for posting this.
