Tuesday, June 11, 2013

WARRIOR - Book 2 of the Prophecy series

So now that my exclusive cover reveal has gone up on YA Book Central, I can now share it on my own blog! But I also get to share with you a little something extra. The back cover jacket! It's just as cool:

You get to see the awesome kumiho that is on my cover. The kumiho is a 9 tailed fox demon and is a new character that you all will meet in Warrior. I have to admit that she is one of my new favorite characters and eventually I might have to do a short story just about her one day. There's one more new favorite character that came up in Warrior, but I think I'm gonna make you all wait and read it to find out who it is.

And just like Prophecy, Warrior also has a beautiful spine that is simply gorgeous and really pops out at you. Seriously, how lucky can an author get? Thanks so much to my amazing art design team at HarperTeen! They are simply brilliant!!!


  1. OOH.. *awwing at its prettiness* OMG ELLEN.. THIS IS SUCH A PRETTY COVER. Sorry for calling UPYOURE by your first name but idk what to call you :P Prophecy was really good last year and I can't wait for warrior!! I've always wanted to read about a Kumiho.. Saw them in animes, I think :D

  2. Ariella! Thank you! And of course you can call me Ellen!! And so glad you like it!!!

  3. I LOVE that cover! Too cool. Congrats :D

  4. Love the color of the cover, and really a Nine Tailed Fox!!!!!, I cannot wait, really REALLY hope you do a short story about her. :)

  5. The SPINE alone is to die for! And I love love love Kumihos and other fox fae. Can't wait for the second book!

  6. Hello! I just want to say that I really enjoyed your book "Prophecy" and that I can't wait to read "Warrior". It's cool that there will be more Asian mythical creatures like the kumiho in YA instead of just the same old mythical creatures all the time.

  7. Oh, I would also like to add that the cover is beautifully designed.
