Saturday, November 1, 2008

Here's what I'm doing on Tuesday

Will you join me?


  1. what, specifically? the thing that borat suggests at the end?

    just kidding. awesome video!

  2. I voted last Tuesday. Here in Colorado a ton of people took advantage of early voting. Now I just have to sit around and bite my nails for another 3 days. I've never been so nervous about an election.

  3. It's too bad they couldn't get any real stars for this one.

    I attempted to vote early today, but it was going to be a 2 hour wait. Will try again on Tuesday.

  4. Personally because the fate of the world might be decided on November 4th I think I should get a vote too...

    Where does Sacha Baron-Cohen get the balls from?

  5. John and I mailed our ballots in last week. It was so nice being able to vote without waiting in a long line, I don't know why more people don't do it. We live in the most densely populated county in FL, with about 1 million residents, and only 150,000 signed up for mail in ballots. There have been a lot of people voting early also, waiting in 2-3 hour lines. It is great to see the enthusiasm for this election.

  6. absentee ballot, guys! it's wonderful! i'll be at madonna concert. she is a rabid obama supporter--it should be interesting.

  7. i live in texas...we have early voting here. Whoop! i stood in line for over an hour.

  8. I'll be along on Saturday, though Wednesday afternoon I should start hearing how things went for y'all!

  9. I just went through this video at a friend's blog, so I'll post here what I posted there...

    I've already been reading news articles about bona fide, registered voters being removed from the rolls. Sorry, but our system is overtly corrupt throughout. For quite some time now, our choice has merely been a lesser of two evils--liar "A" vs. liar "B." The only hope for true change anymore is revolution. Unfortunately the sheeple aren't quite ready, although I have heard the first stirrings here & there.
    I've been waiting all my life for a candidate that truly represents the antitheist anarchist/libertarian's point of view. Still no dice.

  10. Well...if I was in the USA, that would make me vote! ( fifteen year old daughter screamed with excitement every time Orlando Bloom appeared on the screen!!)

  11. I need to "get 'er done."

    I always put it off to the last minute. Don't know why.

    I never forget and I always vote. Just wish I'd do it sooner - rather than later. Maybe next time.

  12. I would, but then there's that whole not-American-and-not-living-in America thing to get over.

  13. I'll be voting, too!

  14. in NOT voting..hahahaha.

  15. Loved it!! Thanks for sharing that, Ello!

    After all, voting is more American than apple pie or baseball (and I live in Philly-- so that's sayin' something!)

  16. I'm there with you - oh not really - I voted on Monday night. But here's a good reason to ”Blog the Vote” and it’s worth a free cup of coffee – at Starbucks

  17. Yeah, I'm with Janey, I think I should get to vote too - and so should the rest of the world since it seems we all get affected by what happens in the US. It's unreasonable, but there ya go.

  18. LOL! funny!

