Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I am so proud of America!


  1. I'm bouncing in my seat waiting for our President elect's victory speech to start. I swear, he's delaying just to draw out the tension!

    On the other side, I also watched the McCain concession speech. I honestly felt bad for him and, once again, wished that he had won in 2004 instead of Bush 2.0.

    But who cares right now? I can't stop smiling!

  2. It is sooo exciting to see history being played out right in front of our eyes.

    And, McCain gave a gracious concession speech.

    What a wonderful world!

  3. Scott and I both agreed that this is the first presidential speech (barring newsreel footage from JFK) that has made us feel proud of our country and has made us feel like maybe the rest of the world just might already see us differently. I am so frigging happy right now I should be arrested!

  4. I'm proud too. We contributed to history.

  5. Whoohooo! Well done, Americans! Time for change was long overdue and the rest of us welcome it as much as you do!

  6. I remember Maya Angelou speaking at Bill Clinton's inauguration and the poem she read ended with the words "Good morning". That's how I feel right now. Like the country is waking up from a bad nightmare and we're rarin' to get started on a brand new day.

  7. Last night was made of awesomeness and I still feel like crying. Woohoo!!!! :-D

  8. I'm proud of us, too!!

  9. He gave a good speech.

  10. I would be doing the happy dance this morning, but I did it so much and so late last night, I can only manage a very happy, goofy grin.

  11. Is anybody else here randomly bursting into sobs of joy? That pic of Obama just set me off again.

  12. I keep choking up. I think I will be like this for a few more days or weeks. And it has nothing to do with the root canal - although that is a different story altogether!

    I didn't think this could happen in our life time. That it did has made me so very proud of our country.

    WE ROCK!

  13. I never thought in my life time. I have childhood memories of not being able to use the public restrooms when my family went down south. I remember the bombings of the black churches in the south when I was eight or nine. Never, Never did I ever think that MLK's dream could come closer to being true. I am so proud of America.

  14. Ellen...

    I found it wonderfully endearing how you went around the blogosphere — in the circles we both travel — leaving happy day, happy dance comments!

    I feel like the world has turned a corner, and I'm still grinning. While I don't underestimate the work that lies ahead, I think we now have a fighting chance to save the planet, and save ourselves.

  15. I cried.

    My faith has been restored! What a beautiful day to hold in our memories.
