Thursday, April 23, 2009

FIRST AN ANNOUNCEMENT! Make sure you come back this Saturday for a big contest I'm having to win signed copies of Cindy Pon's amazing new debut book Silver Phoenix! Don't forget!

Soooooooo, looks like Da Man did alright for ElloEarth Day. He had a family friend (LF) come and babysit. Who, by the way, is the only person next to my sister that my girls actually want babysitting for them. Usually we get a babysitter and its all "Mommy don't go! Take us with you! You're stunting our emotional development, blah blah whine whine." But when it is LF or my sister, they try to push us out the door and tell us not to rush home. So last night it was all "Bye! Have fun! Go to Vegas! Don't come back til real late!"

We went out to a great dinner at Mortons where I proceeded to prove that I am truly a pig by eating a large steak dinner complete with chocolate souffle. Soufflay, Hoooray! Da Man could not finish his and I literally shoveled the last of his souffle into the gaping abyss that is my mouth. But all during dinner, I kept waiting for my present. Which never materialized. Puzzled we headed home where we found the kids and LF had baked us cupcakes and made us chocolate covered strawberries which I could not eat for I had transformed into a walking souffle by this point. But in the middle of the beautiful arrangement of cupcakes and strawberries, there was an old sneaker box. I opened the box and inside I found a pair of my tennis shoes - the ones I've been wearing to play tennis in every week. Before I could flip out about my dirty tennis shoes on the kitchen table, I notice that underneath the dirty sole of my shoe is this:

So even though his presentation left much to be desired, he is off the hook ... for now.

Ok so I'm putting up this video of an 11 year old Korean boy who is an absolute whiz at the guitar. How amazing is he? He only picked up the guitar a few years ago. Apparently he learns a new song in a few days and then uploads a video of himself onto youtube.

Lastly, at the Enchanted Inkpot, Cindy has interviewed Kathleen Duey, author of Skin Hunger about her new twitter novel. So check it out!


  1. Wow! that kid is cool. Such a lot of talent.

    Glad that Ello Earth Day was a success. I regularly finish off Hubby's food but I haven't fitted into a size 8 in about 9 years. Maybe I should try those Krispy Kremes of which you speak. Maybe I should take up exercise (perish the thought!)

    Anyhoo - Happy Birthday Ell - next year 3.25 Carats methinks!


    And what a cute way to give the present! :)

  3. ohhhh! I can't wait to sign up for Silver Pheonix! YaY!

    Glad your hubby did good for your Bpday.

    And wow! what a talented kid!


  4. Yay for the I-Pod! :-D

    And the kid is awesome... he only made me realize how much I suck at playing guitar. :(

    You might as well check out this video my friends nephew:

    He is just 4 yrs old. :)

    Also for laughs see the video below,
    I am sure you'll love it. :)

  5. Cool about the iPod! Awesome clip of the boy too. I'll have to show that to my daughter who is learning the guitar.

    Happy Birthday, Ellen!

  6. Happy Belated Birthday! Glad you had a wonderful ElloEarth Day celebration! Enjoy the iPod and hope you get your diamond ring soon--love your taste!

  7. Ohhh - you play tennis too. I love the game.

    Happy Day After Birthday - it's too soon to let it end.

  8. Happy belated birthday to you!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Hubby pulled through! Hooray.

    And that kid! Talk about talent. I'm impressed.

  10. Wow, as a guitarist, that kid scared the crap out of me!

    And happy birthday!

  11. Oh Ello, it's not fair. I want to enter Cindy's contest, but I'm using the computer at the county library. Do you know where I live? :-/ It won't be available tomorrow. Can I enter today?

    I miss being online. My Internet service better be set up soon. My bundled services

  12. Happy Birthday!!

    Morton's, you say? Been there... You ate the whole thing??? And dessert?!

    Can I put this in perspective for the uninitiated? Morton's steaks have their own zip code, people!

    Ello, I'm truly impressed!

  13. Late happy birthday! Wow - nothing is better than chocolate birthday fun!!!! Love the gift Da Man delivered - which is very much like a diamond, only it plays music too. :)

  14. such talent in a wee guy! thx ello! :)

  15. He redeemed himself!

    And so did you with that steak and dessert. I'm proud of you. And hungry. :D

  16. I'm glad you got your iPod and good luck in August!...
    :-) :-) :-)
