Saturday, April 25, 2009

Contest to Win an Autographed Copy of the Silver Phoenix!!!

I am so excited to host a contest for the amazing Cindy Pon and her debut novel The Silver Phoenix which is coming out in a few days on April 28th. If you are a Goodreads friend of mine, you should have already seen my short review. If you are not, why aren't you? But here is my teaser review:

Silver Phoenix is beyond exciting and exotic! It is original and not afraid to push the line. In Chen Yong, Cindy has created the perfect hero. One that any reader could easily fall for. But in Ai Ling, she has truly outdone herself. Ai Ling is smart, tough, funny, sweet, brave, and absolutely lovable. What I love about her character is that she is young and therefore headstrong and will make rash decisions, but she is not stupid and so even if she makes a wrong choice, she rethinks and ultimately makes the right ones. Both MCs are utterly sympathetic, which makes Silver Phoenix a captivating read, but throw in horrifying monsters and amazing legends and you've got a book that I guarantee is like none you've read before.

I loved Silver Phoenix, and I know I will not be alone. Already I have been clamoring for the sequel. I need more Chen Yong and Ai Ling!

And if that doesn't have you salivating for more, here is Cindy's AWESOME book trailer! (note - if the side of the trailer is cut off for you, click on the second button from the right to take it to full screen!)

So now on to the contest! Here are the rules:

There are two signed copies to be won as well as a few signed bookplates and bookmarks for consolation prizes which features Cindy's Chinese Brush Art. And if you have never seen Cindy's brush art, go here and be in awe of her talent!

So there are three ways to enter.

1. If you are a blogger, all you have to do is link this contest post on your blog with a short mention of the book. That's an automatic entry to win one of the copies. Come back and comment on this post to let us know your post is up.

2. If you are a nonblogger or if you don't feel like doing a post on your own blog, then another option is to tell us about a new blogger. If you know a blogger who may not know about Cindy's book or has never came by this wondrous amazing blog of mine, then simply leave them a comment on their blog inviting them to enter the contest and then leave a comment here with a link to your invite. The more new bloggers you invite and link to, the more raffle chances you get so spread the word!!!

3. For the second copy, anybody can enter simply by writing a short poem, could be a haiku, incorporating Silver Phoenix into the poem or you can write a love poem incorporating a food item. And please remember, you are trying to win the contest, so food should be delicious and unlike this. Limit for this third option is one poem per person. Winning poem will be chosen by Cindy (with my input!).

The contest will remain open until next Saturday giving everyone one whole week to enter. So remember everyone has a minimum of 3 chances to win if you enter in all 3 contest opportunities. But with number 2, you can increase the number of your raffle entries with every new invite. And don't forget, the consolation prizes are really nice too! So go spread the word and leave all entries in the comments of this blog post.

Good luck everyone!!!!!


  1. Sounds awesome!!! I really can't wait to read this book!!

  2. AH! Sign me up!!! I want a copy of this book SO MUCH!

    I just posted about the contest here:

    And it's in my sidebar on my site:

    And here's a haiku:

    Beautiful new book
    Needs a new home on my shelf
    'Tween Graceling and Bound

  3. I love haikus. Seriously.

    Ai Ling loves her dad
    and fights such scary monsters
    Chen Yong wants her bad


    As I write this, I am eating vegetable dim sum and drinking boba. How perfect is that??? (I'm supposed to be writing my own novel, btw, but got distracted.)

  4. throwing up a blog entry later this afternoon!!

  5. Here's my poem.

    Rising from the bookshelf
    above the ashes of the others
    Silver Phoenix

  6. I linked the contest from my blog,, tweeted it, invited Jess (Book Reviews by Jess and here's my haiku. I had no clue what I was doing! :)

    Young Silver Phoenix
    A hero from the ashes
    Flames ignite the soul

  7. WOW! Your trailer is impressive. Congrats and look forward to reading the book.

  8. dunno how to link it, but i did repost the whole thing on my page, that ok? ;)

  9. There once was a writer of books
    A painter, with fantastic looks
    With talent galore
    She's never a bore
    And, do look out world, when she cooks!

    [i so don't do haiku ;) lol]

  10. I post my comment and linked it to my site at
    Go Cindy!!!

  11. Lost silver phoenix
    Climbs through fiery embers
    To kiss her soul mate

  12. Sign me kind of book...and I will attempt the poem also. I guess I need to know more about Goodreads.

  13. love all the entries so far!

  14. W.O.W.

    i have NOT seen that book trailer before. DANG. cindy... AMAzing.

  15. It's up on my blog. Looks very nice. Can't wait to read it.

    Good luck everybody!

  16. I posted a blog about it, and posted it in the sidebar too.

    And here goes:

    Marked by Immortals
    And fates intertwined with hers:
    Rise, Silver Phoenix

  17. I sent moonrat of Editorial Ass a Twitter tweet about the contest, and she blogged about it!

  18. Oh wow! AWesome start everyone!!!! You guys are hard at work helping Cindy get the word out!!!! Thanks everyone! I'm gonna keep track of how many entries people have here! Beth has got at least 6 entries so far what with getting Moonie to blog about it also! Now that's what I call effective word of mouth!!!

    Let's keep it rolling people! We're gonna make Cindy's book, and YA Asian Fantasy, hot hot HOT!!

  19. Excellent Trailer! Yours is only the second book trailer that I can say is totally professional. It should help you sell a lot of books. Now when I do talks, I can use your trailer as a good example.

    Good Luck with the book. I plan to buy a copy as soon as I finish reading the ones I have waiting on my night stand.


  20. Done and dusted - the post is up hereBe back shortly with a haiku - if I can just get my brain to wake up!

  21. Okay, so I'm back and here's a haiku...

    Seeing into dreams
    Touched by the Immortals
    Silver Phoenix rises.

    And then because I couldn't resist your silkworm larvae which remind me of mopani worms, I have to add this, just for fun and because the devil made me do it...

    Nibbling silkworm larvae (chop suey and dim sum)
    gives a girl great powers,
    creates wings of silver
    and a unique digestive hum
    on which a Phoenix rises...

  22. From her own ashes
    Silver Phoenix is rising...
    Wings so slightly singed!

    Tanja Cilia

  23. I love the poems. I wish I was good enough to write one : )

    Anyway I linked this contest on my blog: http://serenehours.blogspot. Please count me in.

  24. Sounds wonderful. I can't wait to read Silver Phoenix. Here's mine.

    Freed by fervent fire
    pine seeds of growth and strength bloom:
    Silver Phoenix thrives

  25. The book trailer is by far the best I've seen!

    Here's my attempt at haiku -

    Power within her
    The Immortals have graced her
    The Silver Phoenix

  26. Please enter me! =) I have posted about this here:

  27. What a gorgeous book trailer - and the book sounds tremendous! I sent out the news via a tweet and a facebook update.

    One problem though - the right side of the trailer is cut off. It might be my browser. Is anyone else having this problem?

  28. I told my friend, Andy, about this contest here. I hope she enters because her poems are a thousand times better than mine. :D

  29. thank you, everyone! and yes, the trailer is cut off for me as well. i'm on a mac using firefox. hmm. love the poems so far! will share some on my own blog!! =D

  30. Yay! Congrats on your debut novel coming out :D! This is my first time on your blog, but I'd already heard about the book from Moonrat's site, and it sounds AWESOME!

    I posted on my blog here:

    Have a great day!

  31. Go buy the debut--
    Help the Silver Phoenix rise.
    New author support!

  32. I don't know how I missed this - I'll link it my my place today... so far I'm really digging on laughingwolf's poem :-) But I loves me a good limerick.

    I'll have to think on it and see if I can get one in this week.

    The trailor is cut off for me, but it's still fabulous. Good work, Cindy!!!!

  33. Does it count if I invited someone to this contest via email because that's what I did.

    And yes, Ello, you are not alone in your SILVER PHOENIX love. I <3<3<3 it! Cindy rules!

  34. I've put up the link on:

    Good luck to Cindy - hope her book has a great launch!

  35. I am anxiously awaiting my copy, which is enroute from I posted an entry to my blog about the release as well as this contest. The direct link is here:

    Thank you!

  36. OH!!!!! Doing a cheer for an Asian book. Oh yeah. Oh yeah.

    Love the trailer! Can't wait to read the book.

    I did post it on my blog- of course.

    And my haiku:
    Tigress spirit blooms
    Strength within Ai Ling endures
    To destiny's path

  37. Fantastic! I am so excited about this book... I think I've stalked all the contests to try and win a copy! : ) I will link it on my blog and be back with a poem later!


  38. So, my post will go up at 12:01 AM on Tuesday morning.

    AND it's in my sidebar.

    working on a poem, but can't figure out how to work "Cindy" "genius" "gorgeous" and "hottie" into a haiku...

  39. I left invitations:

    at drey'sat Katie'sat Emily'sat Alea'sat Charley's - comment moderation turned on, btw

    at Kristi'sat Natalie'sat Julie'sand I Facebook messaged it to 18 people (and cced both of you on it.)

  40. OKAY when I previewed that it was all spaced correctly - DAMN! Sorry.

  41. Here is my haiku!


    shining sunken pearl
    ascends like Ai, a rising
    phoenix, up my straw

    So much fun! Thanks for the contest!

  42. Posted about the contest here:

    Haiku (hmmmm...):

    A phoenix rises
    Over today's morning feast:
    Delight in sunlight.

  43. Awesome contest. Thanks so much for the invite, i also posted about it on my blog.

  44. A Silver Phoenix
    Chosen by the gods through fire
    Bearing the world’s weight

  45. I also linked to it from my blog.


  46. i am LOVING the poems. thanks so much everyone!

  47. I also linked it here by accident (didn't realize there was a drop down box to change the blog address)...but hey! Whatever gets you more publicity right? lol. I decided to leave it. :)

  48. The trailer was amazing! I got such a great view of the feel of the book.
    Okay a poem incorporating food? Here I go...

    Dancing on my tongue
    A touch of honey so sweet
    My eyes close divine

  49. I just linked at my blog. I hope I win because I'd really like to read this book. :)

  50. I can't wait to read this. I just linked it to my blog! Wonderful idea.

  51. I am more than happy to let you know that I have linked this post to my blog, as so to participate into this contest.

    It was very kind of you to organize such contest. The fun and excitement is always there, that enrich our lives. BIG THANK to you.

    Cheers and have a nice day,

  52. Circle of goodness
    Warm drips of icing tempt me.
    My Krispy Kreme dream.

    Congrats, Cindy!!!

  53. Blogged about it here:

  54. This book looks so good and I loved the preview!! I blogged about the book and contest here:

  55. And here's my haiku because I can never resist the chance to write a haiku:

    Not of fire born, this
    Silver Phoenix rises from
    Stars and sharpened steel.

  56. Before you all throw produce, Ello ordered me to submit a poem. So you should all blame her:-)

    Cindy is a friend of mine,
    Met her on her blog divine,
    Where her writing sure does shine,
    Cindy is a friend of mine

    She’s got a book that’s sure to please,
    And make you weep upon your knees
    For which you’ll trek through stars and seas,
    My God her book is sure to please

    Silver Phoenix, check it out
    Buy it for your aunt with gout
    For your friend with the big snout
    Don’t you want to check it out?

  57. Thanks for the cool contest

    I linked it to my sidebar here

    Wdebo :)

  58. Okay, so I left a comment

    for Jess
    for Susanand for StephI'm trying to make up for my unpoetic-ness.

  59. Also told Carrie to get her kiester over here!

  60. I blogged about the contest.

  61. I would love to be entered! Thanks for the contest!

    I linked to your contest here:

    And my haiku:

    A missing father
    An escaping bride to be
    Equals a great book

  62. Hi Ellen,

    I found my way here Aerin of In Search of Giants. You showed you some love for my Little Lov'n Monday.

    And talk about timing, I'm currently hosting C.O.R.A Diversity Roll Call meme and the theme this week is Asian, South Asian and Asian American writers so I will be doing a feature on you. I visited your site as well as the blog, and I'm in. I had seen Silver Phoenix reviewed before but since I'm not big on fantasy I honestly was only mildly interested. That is until I got here. Your endorsement has ratched up my interest because I'm impressed with you.

    I'll be back.


  63. Arg, thanks for kindly overlooking my typos. lol


  64. Oh I've linked the contest
    with my post about ”Silver Phoenix”And here's my haiku:

    The Silver Phoenix:
    Burning in a brutal fate
    Pride, strength, love and hate

  65. I have linked!Congrats to Cindy - I can't wait to read Silver Phoenix.

  66. My haiku:

    Dear Silver Phoenix,
    Do you love black-bean tofu
    as much as I do?

    Brave protagonist!
    Friends await you in the east
    On my dusty shelves

  67. My post is up! Had to blaze right through a whole crapload of student 'essays', but I did it!!!

    Put me down for a shot at this, pleeease!

  68. Hi!! Here's my blog post for this contest!!
    I'd love to be entered!!
    And here's my poem:

    Orchid petals brush
    Silver Phoenix wings caressed
    Softly comfort brought.

  69. I just love your enthusiasm and your verve, Ello! So adorable!
    :-) :-) :-)

    The book seems great and the cover is wonderful!

  70. Option one done at:

    I wanna win so I can read it!

  71. Can't wait to read this book! Hope I win! XD

    Here's my blog post about the contest:


  72. here's my blog of the contest:

  73. I would like to enter!

    I posted this contest on my sidebar at

  74. Here's my blog post and contest entry. I'm such a sucker for these contests. :)

    I suppose I could do a haiku, I'm a sucker for those too.

    Ai Ling, Brave and Bold
    Master her gift, journey long
    To save her father

  75. I can't do haikus. But I'll try another style of poem, it's called make-it-up-as-you-go-along-and-hope-it-turns-out-fine. It's based on the Silver Phoenix blurb on Cindy Pon's website.

    Marked by the immortals,
    Rejected for betrothal,
    Ai Ling faces terrible evil,
    Soul stealing enemies.

    Mythical demons stalk her,
    While she hunts for her father,
    By chance Chen Yong appears,
    Their fates have interwined.

    But can she defeat her foes?
    Will she save her father?
    Will Chen Yong fulfill his mission?
    What will be her decision?
    Read Silver Phoenix to see Ai Ling's vision.

  76. Way after the winners had been announced but I had fun coming up with a poem :)
