Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Interview with Cindy on the Enchanted Inkpot

So the contest is still going on. You have until Saturday to get your entries in. And I gotta say - WOW to all those who've participated! Thanks to you all for linking up sending new people and spreading the word for Cindy's book! And amazing poetry entries everyone!

And since today is Cindy's official book launch day, I would like to point you over to the Enchanted Inkpot where Cindy has graciously agreed to be interviewed... for the 100th time of course!

Keep your entries rolling in on the post below and Good luck everyone!

Also Cindy has another awesome contest on her own blog for her original artwork! I'm way excited about that but was torn about linking here as I would like to win the artwork for my own greedy self. But I'll be a good sport and link it here. Good luck to me!

And I couldn't leave well enough alone. I have to throw up this funny clip because you have to understand that in this very same situation, I would be the guy laughing in the face of death.


  1. Re that comment, it appears to be spam because it's all links. Not that I'm gonna look.

    I have Cindy's Silver Phoenix on order. Looking forward to reading it!

    And regarding that funny clip, nothing like keeping your eye on the ball there, laughing boy. Hah.

  2. Nothing like farting and laughing in the face of death!

    Ah and I see you've been hit by the bastard spammer who got me over twenty times last week. Can I suggest you get his/her profile number and report him/her to blogger at abuse@blogger.com

  3. Yay for Cindy!
    That clip is silly!!

  4. ello dearest, where do you FIND these things?!

  5. Sounds like a steamroller building up momentum.

  6. Ok I deleted that comment because who knows what would happen if someone accidentally clicked it!!!

    Well you guys all know I have a crass sense of humor, how could I not put this up?

    And Moonie - I have secret crafty ways ...

  7. Per the clip, I should have known.... But still good.

  8. AHAHAHAH! I love your movie choices!

  9. Ello, how are you dealing with the swine flu epidemic?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hilarious as usual Ello. They just can't make enough fart jokes can they?

    I posted about Cindy on :

    Though I don't think it follows all the rules so I'll not be eligible for the contest. But you can at least grace the post with your presence. :D

  12. Thanks for the info and the funny clip. Ha !! It was very kind of you to give us the best medicine in town.

    Grace and peace to you
