Thursday, April 30, 2009

So sick...

The other day Angus woke up and promptly vomited. Seven hours later, so did I. I'm so glad I raised my children to share everything.

The last 24 hours has been difficult to say the least. And I'm inundated with papers and proposals to grade, even though I feel as fresh as a dried up cow turd and my insides are quivering like half set jello.

The contest is still going on til Saturday. But we also have some great news. Stephen Parrish, has just landed himself a book deal!!! Congratulations Stephen!

So sorry that I will not be making the rounds! But please come by this weekend when Cindy and I announce the winners of the contest. And please pray for me that I don't vomit on my students during their final presentations.


  1. I hope everyone feels better soon! <:(

  2. poor ello!!! vomit is not usually a subject we expect at this blog. i hope you and your loved ones are back to gassier topics very, very soon.

  3. Rest assured, Kiersten is talking about poop today to make sure nothing is left out.

    I hope you and yours feel 100% soon.
    Nausea is the worst thing ever, IMO.

  4. My kids and I were sick last weekend. It was over in a couple days thankfully. Hope you feel better!

  5. A little vomit can only add more colour to your life. Just the wrong colour, that's all. Get well soon!

  6. OH NO! i'm so sorry! we had the throwing up all four of us at the same time. feel better soon. *hugs* i hope it's just a 24 hour bug.

  7. Sorry to hear about the illness. hang on, hang on. Almost over.

  8. Feel better! So sorry - the flu sucks.

  9. Hope both you get well soon and your health gets pick as a piggy!

    Just don't look at Joe during the presentation... you know Ugly Kid Joe? lol

  10. Oh that is terrible! Get better and I hope you somehow survive it through all your work and taking care of your family too.

  11. Nausea and throwing up are just the worst, in my opinion. Hope you and your fam feel better very very soon!!

    And congrats to Stephen, too! Trying to focus on something positive this morning.

  12. Hang in there! I'm sending you wellness vibes!!!!

  13. Hope you get better soon!

  14. Feel better soon, Ello, and I hope your little guys feel better, too!

    We'll definitely keep you all in our prayers :). That is The Worst!

  15. sending all the positive energies i can muster to everyone's speedy recovery, el....

  16. I hope you and your family gets back to 100% quickly.

  17. El, I remember the little ones being sick last year - uh oh - sorry, girl.

    My baby is 17 today. Talk about freakout. That's enough to make me sick right along with you.

    Hope you're better soon!

  18. That is the *worst* (and your students will feel the same about 24 hours...).

    Sorry to hear you are sick. The bright side is that these are *final* presentations, and by the time you are done grading everything, you will be well enough to actually enjoy your break.

    Get well soon!

  19. So sorry! I hope you feel better. That's the hard part about being a're still expected to function when you're ill. :(

  20. (((hugs)))) you poor thing. I can relate. I've had a horrible time w/ illness in my house. We also teach our children to share. Too well. . . apparently.

    I hope you feel better soon.

  21. May now, so I hope you're on the mend.

    Vomit is no fun — unless you're a winged insect.

  22. Hope you're doing better, Ello. :)
