The data went astray in October, after two computer disks that contained information on families that receive government financial benefits for children were sent out from a government tax agency unregistered, via a private delivery service (!WTF!). The episode is one of three this year in which the agency improperly handled its vast archive of personal data, according to an account by the chancellor of the Exchequer — including the sending of a second set of disks when the first set did not arrive. (HUH?) In sheer numbers, the breach was smaller than several in the United States over the last few years. Last year, a computer and detachable hard drive with the names, birth dates and Social Security numbers of 26.5 million veterans and military personnel was stolen from the home of an analyst, but recovered apparently without any harm. But the disks lost in Britain contained detailed personal information on 40percent of the population: in addition to the bank account numbers, there were names, addresses and national insurance numbers, the British equivalent of Social Security numbers. They also held data on almost every child under 16 (HOLY S#*T!). “This particular breach would dwarf anything we’ve seen in the United States in terms of percentage of the population impacted,” said Paul Stephens, director of policy and advocacy for the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, a nonprofit consumer advocacy group based in California.
There should be a law prohibiting stupid people from handling people's personal information.
Anyway - here's something completely different.
This is the most awesome short film! I've stolen it from The Struggling Writer because I absolutely love it. It's a bit long so make sure you have a few minutes to spare before you start watching. I hope you all like it as much as I do.
This was a very cool video. Happy Thanksgiving!
This was awesome!!! Absolutely loved it!
Also love the cool gadgetry on your blog. I have blogger envy.
What a fascinating little film. Thanks for sharing it with us. I am a fellow writer trying to get a book completed while living a full busy life. I have tagged you! Visit my blog for more details.
Enjoyable, thanks.
I hope you had a nice T-giving.
I watched it at Struggling Writer's and popped in to say thank you for spreading some valueable material, Ello.
I have just checked your slideshow! All the photos are lovely, but some of them are GREAT!! Are those all yours?
hey thanks for the sorting-hat link and a host of other links I found out on your site. Belated Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm glad you lifted this from someone else...it was incredible!!
Hard to think now. Too stuffed.
Yes, I liked this film, too. I had to laugh at the guy's frantic hand, working quickly to reverse the effects. Well done!
BTW, I see you've got something new in the sidebar . . . hmm . . .
This was way cool! Thanks!
Oh yeah. Gotta love British governmental efficiency. Kind of hoping I'm not on that list.
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