A close friend of mine came back from Atlanta, Georgia where she was visiting her sister and told me about this funny sign in her sister's neighborhood. I howled when I heard about it and demanded that she make her sister, who I am friends with also, take a picture for my blog.
Apparently the neighborhood had put up the sign in order to remind motorists to slow down and watch out for the kids. I'm not sure if this is exactly what they had in mind:

The morale of the story, when paying by the letter, don't be cheap, or it will change the entire meaning of your sign.
Which reminds me of another classic writing blunder which is pictured below:

Ha Ha!
Underneath that
I love funny writing blunders!
hahahahahaha i LOVE the cake
Note to self: In rough drafts, remember to take out notes to self when editing that say things like, "this sentence sucks", etc. The cake kills me! It's like a tattoo that says "her name here forever".
Oh, ROFL! I guess you only get half points for the slow kids, huh? :D
He he. Funny cake. As far as the Slow Children sign, I have seen that one quite a bit (maybe the sign was about me?). I've also seen a sign that says "Slow Children at Play" which I don't think is very politically correct :)
There was a neighborhood in my college town that had that exact same sign - I think it eventually ended up in my dorm mate's room!
LOL! Those are great!
Now I want a piece of cake.
It reminds me of a sign on a highway - "Slow deer crossing". Makes one wonder where the fast deer cross.
Yes, but what does "underneath that" mean??? ;)
Yep -- I've seen that Slow Children sign too, and it always cracks me up! I always picture a nit-picking signmaker bound and gagged in a room somewhere, tortured by all the ways that sign could be fixed.
Love that cake, too. A classic example of what happens when you put your brain on automatic pilot instead of leaving it on full time.
Some poor cake decorator has a very literal mind. ;) I wonder if it ever occurred to her that something was amiss.
Funny pics, Ello!
Gotta love these kinds of things. Also reminds me of some classic "Engrish" signs, one of which we saw in Austin, TX at a Chinese buffet, touting it's status as "Super and Best."
Writing blunders can be some of the best...these two are classics!!!!
Funny stuff. Thanks for sharing.
Someone e-mailed me that cake. It is still hilarious. I love that sign, but the neighborhood is going to hell for that! LOL.
Makes me wonder if the cake decorator was not a native English speaker. If one didn't know the MEANING of the words, one would just write everything literally, right?
What I find most funny is that the person picking up the cake kept it as is. That person had a sense of humor!
whenever i buy a birthday cake from the bakery i always have the juvenile impulse to have something totally unrelated to the birthday written on the cake. lesson: never let patti pick up the birthday cake.
oh, we have slow children in our neighborhood too. bless their hearts....
EXCELLENT pictures! These are some of the best errors I've seen!
My hubby's a lawyer and I had him come into my office (we work at home) and read your cake and post. He didn't get it. He said "Well, what's she trying to convey?" (typical lawyer). I said "It's simple honey, she's trying to convey loss and the fact everyone will miss this person. He said, "Well, underneath isn't the right word then because "beyond" seems more appropriate, or to use the phrase "beyond that," or "In addition too." Underneath seemed like an odd phrase to him. He felt it was minimizing missing the person you're trying to convey the thought to. Get it?! (Oh yes...I'm laughing!)
Only lawyers can figure out this crap called words. He does criminal appellate law and is considered one of the best in the state of CA, so trust me...words matter. I'm from NY (Woodstock area ~ Hudson Valley)and he's from MA and CT, so we're East Coast born and bread (yes, I spelled it bread because we have some good bread up there!) But you're living our dream. Washington DC. Good for you. You must have used many words appropriately! Good for you honey!!!! And you didn't even need Rob to get the job.
XO Suzanne
OK I'm a slow woman at play. It took me a minute to get the cake message.
I'm good now. No, I got it.
I grew up in Alabama playing near signs like that. I never got it, until just now.
Just goes to show you...
Maybe the sign is right!
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