Friday, January 4, 2013

The Facts Behind the Fantasy: PROPHECY

The wonderful folks behind HarperTeen's PitchDark website asked me to talk about the historical facts behind Prophecy. So, I did!

The Facts Behind the Fantasy: PROPHECY


Happy New Year Pitch Dark readers! Getting us started in 2013, we’re debuting a new blog post series about the facts behind some of our fantasy novels.
This all started when a few weeks ago we invited Ellen Oh to tell us more about the historical references and significance in her debut novel, PROPHECY.
We love this blog post so much (and love history so much) that we’ve decided to make this a regular series. Tell us which fantasy novels you’d like the historical facts on in the comments below!

To read the rest of the post please click here! 


Tere Kirkland said...

Just downloaded the sample and saw the dedication. LOL. Your anecdotes about your girls are always so hilarious and heart-warming. Can't wait to read Prophecy! Going to check out the Facts now. :)

Congratulations on your new book and best wishes, Ellen!

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hi, Ellen,

Dropping in from Literary Rambles.. Nice to meet you.
Congrats on your book! I am really looking forward to reading it!

Happy 2013!

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