Today at the toy store, Oldest and I found the perfect present for Angus.

Apparently your supposed to feed Gus all sorts of gassy foods like broccoli and baked beans and pump up his belly. At a certain point, he lets out a humongous stinky fart (not sure if smell is included). The first person to feed all their food to Gus without him farting wins.
Although technically we don't need this game to have a gassy blast. Angus provides us with all the gassy entertainment we need. And at $30.00 bucks, our version is cheaper, but stinkier.
This post was all my idea!!!!!!!!!
Mommy would have had nothing to post today if it wasn't for me. Therefore I am a superhero. In our version, Angus farts without having to feed her any food either.
bye for now,
Oldest, you are a superhero but (Mommy) is this REALLY a game...for children?!
OMG! Whatever will toymakers come up with next. Actually, no, wait, don't tell me!
Better yet, Oldest, I think you need to come up with the idea and design for the coolest new toy - howzat?!
Love it, Love it, Love it!!! Oldest three cheers for the idea. I bet every family has at least one member with the same "gift" as Angus. I know mine does...but don't's no me!!! ;) I is NOT me!!!!
Haha! The redneck board game!
Do they have a cheaper generic version called Flatulent Frank?
Or Tootin' Tom?
Farting Fran?
Cut The Cheese Chester?
Want me to stop or keep going?
Rodney Rip One?
But the "real" thing is just so much more entertaining, isn't it? I mean, really...
I was so going to buy this game for my kids til I saw it was $30.00! A can of baked beans is much cheaper than that! ;)
LOL at Travis's suggestions.
Butt Burpin' Billy?
Smellie's by Sally?
Al's Anal Acoustics? (I know....that crossed the line!)
Good work, Oldest. Liking this.
Travis! You just made me pee my pants!!!!
OMG: this sounds like a game my boys would have thought up.
This is crazy funny.
Sheesh, all we had was Candyland and Hi-Ho Cherry-O when I was a kid.
I must have this game!!!
PS: Dungbombs Rule!
I was just about to tease the mom about getting all "potty" again!
I really feel sorry for DaMan now!
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