The girls have watched Coraline for the 10th time and were talking about the movie while I was driving to Krispy Kreme for an emergency donut run.
Oldest - So if the other mother kidnapped our parents what would you do?
Youngest - I would grab her arms and bite her really hard.
Angus - You can't! Her hands were made of metal and her arms are real skinny. You'd break your teeth!
Youngest - I would kick her in her butt!
Oldest - Um, hello! Monster, remember?
Angus - Well I would bring Daddy and a nose pin. And then I would aim Daddy's butt at the monster and put on my nose pin. Daddy would fart aaaaaaannnnnnnd. The. Monster. Would. DIEEEEEEEEE!!!! Dun dun dun.
Oldest - But Mom and Dad would be kidnapped by the monster!
Angus - Oh yeah! Well I would poop in my pants and then I would take off my poopy pants and throw it at the monster's face.
Youngest - YUCKY!
Oldest - You would be half naked!
Angus - Well, that way I could also fart as I run away. And. She. Would. DIE!!!!! Dun dun dun!!!
Oldest - You're disgusting.
Youngest - I have to poop now.
One of these days I've got to record them secretly. I can't really capture the true essence of how funny they are by words alone.
OK - now back to frantic, feverish revising!
I love that your household has as much potty talk as ours does! :)
Your kids are too funny...and I love how they discuss these what if situations! I have to still watch Coraline by the way!
That is priceless :P. You SHOULD record them, if for no other reason than to play it for them when they're older. Lol.
Well, that's pretty darned funny! I love the dun dun dun. My kids and I do that all the time. How is it that we know what dun dun dun means? Even when kids?
Hilarious! And very may have a couple of authors growing up in your home. I would love to hear Ello's secret kid tapes.
AHAHA! Love it! Thanks for sharing!!
I'm going to start referring to your kids as the Fart Crew!
That monster has no clue how big a trouble he is in, does he? :D No one messes with angus... NO ONE! :D
One monster poop party - GhAStly!!!
So great. You're girls are going to be famous soon. Good luck on revising and yes, I missed your blogs.
Kids and scatalogical humor go together like milk and cookies... Perhaps that wasn't the best metaphore...
OMG! They are going to kill you for posting this stuff when they get older! :) Funny as heck though!
Thanks everyone!!! I've missed you all - but am still buckling down to revising. Some day soon, I will be done.... or else....
And yes - one day in the future, my kids are going to kill me. But in the meantime, I must share!
Oh yes, Ellen, I would GIVE to have hear a recording of that conversation! Hilarious!
I LOVE the movie Coraline!
Nice to see you braving a peep over the reviso-poop barricade...
Not only are your kids hysterical, but I love that you have "emergency donut runs" to Krispy Kreme...the best donuts in the WORLD.
Child Logic is the best. Can you see the light at the end of the tunnel as far as revisions go? I hope so, then it's time to relax, party, relax...
I, for one, would enjoy a video....
LOL!!! Thanks for taking a break from revision to share.
Hee, hee! You should let them loose with one of those FLIP video cameras. It would be priceless.
Hope your revisions are going well!
If only my emergency donut runs were this interesting.
And now I'm hungry.
Your kids are a whole comedy show all by themselves! And yes, you've got to record them one day!
Good luck with the revisions!
lol... all kinds of imaginative stuff in those heads, el ;)
OMG! That's hysterical!
thnx for the giggles. :0)
That's awesome!
"Angus - Oh yeah! Well I would poop in my pants and then I would take off my poopy pants and throw it at the monster's face."
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
LOL. Too funny. Your kids need a microphone. :-D
I've missed your posts-- you always bring a laugh here at Secret Headquarters! :p
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