Angus - "To win a million dollars?"
Oldest - "That the republicans were back in office?"
Youngest - "That we get a puppy?"
After she poo poohed everything but the republicans comment, she pointed at me and said "I wish someone would put your Mom on a makeover show so that she can be beautiful again."
As I began to choke on my gum, they all turned to look at me. I was wearing a gray t-shirt, jeans, and flip-flops. My hair was wet and the only makeup I ever wear is eyeliner. If it were cold out, I'd probably have a hoodie on. But it was over 90 degrees out and muggy so I was already starting to sweat and get red in the face. I growled menacingly at all of them. No one said another word. Score 1 for Mom.
Later that day my Mom told me that since it was Father's day, we should go buy a watermelon for my dad. "Besides, watermelon is good for your diet," she said.
So we walked over to the local Fairway supermarket which is about a brisk 10 minute walk over on Broadway. My parents have a car in their building's garage, but since we are walking I'm envisioning cubed watermelon in plastic containers or maybe even a pre-sliced quarter of watermelon. I've got my reusable shopping bag in my purse that I carry everywhere so I feel confident that I can carry some watermelon back. But when we get to the supermarket, my Dad bypassed the cut up squares and the presliced watermelon and goes to pick up a big ol' watermelon.

As we neared home, I said to my mother, "This better be the most delicious watermelon in the world!"
To which she responded, "Even if it isn't, I told you it was good for your diet!"
A terrible suspicion gripped me. "Is this what you meant by the watermelon diet?!!!"
My mom laughed, "I bet you lost 3 lbs today carrying that thing home!"
Torturous woman 2 points + 10 for sheer evilness
Dummy carrying a hugeass watermelon 0 points
I've decided to trademark the watermelon diet and make a billion dollars selling watermelons in slings for people to carry around everyday. I'll call it the "My Mom is trying to kill me" diet. And I'm sure it will be a bestseller.
Okay, I admit it your mother's comment was a low blow and making you walk almost a mile carrying a heavy water melon was not nice. But...I giggled my whole way through this post!
Moms can be very devious ;)
My mother always knows how to get under my skin. But I'll have to admit, it sounds like the watermelon diet could work :)
I love your mom. :)
Totally sounds like my mom! All the way down to the comment about weight.
But I'm still giggling.
I can't believe you had to carry a giant watermelon for 0.7 miles! Aiee!
I loved this story though--it totally reminded me of my very blunt mother. I gained about 20 pounds in college (I love food, what can I say?) and my mom would point out this fact to me every time I went home for a visit.
After awhile, I growled to her that I didn't want to hear about my weight anymore. To which she replied sweetly, "If I don't tell you, who else will?"
Your mom and mine must be in cahoots. My mom is on the same campaign. What a funny story!
no doubt it would be a best seller... as would a book on what your aliens say ;) lol
LOL! All mothers must be alike, but my dearly departed has been gone for most of my life. Not having a mother doesn't stop it. My eldest brother has assumed that role. I can't go for seconds in his house without hearing "No wonder you've gained weight". You have my sympathies, though I'm in stitches.
Thanks to everyone for your sympathy and support. I am still recuperating from the watermelon diet. To help me recuperate I followed the Lay on the sofa and eat ice cream regime. Unfortunately I am still tired. I must follow up with some brownie medicine to boost up my energy...
LMAO @ the lay on the sofa and eat ice cream regime and brownie medicine for more energy. Love it!
LOL! Oh my goodness, this story made me laugh--not at your expense, of course, but at the humor in your writing. ;)
See, Ello, this is why being Italian comes in handy. I've spent my whole life being told to eat something, have more, here's a bigger slice, you're too skinny. It doesn't matter what weight I am, even if I could stand to lose a few pounds, Italians always think you're too skinny.
Ha! Your Mom kills me! If you won't put a picture of yourself up on your blog, can we see your Mom? Because I think I love her.
Wow...So to your mom the only thing that counts in life is looks? That's sad.
Satta king
wow.....this is nice
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