Copyright by Radiospike_Photography via Flickr.comShoot, if she has to dress up for Walmart, what the heck does she wear for Target? Full evening gown and heels? Seriously! I wanna know! Cause I may have been inappropriately dressed whilst shopping at my favorite store. The shame!
Well it's certainly considered inappropriate to there without full make up and a feather boa at the very least. I believe Target employ plain (and by that I mean chic and understated) clothes fashion police to ensure that the clientele meets its exacting standards.
So I hear anyway.
Ello, the ridiculousness has no limits, it reaches new peaks everyday. At least, we can have a good laugh. :-)
Dang. That's pretty frightening.
Oh man. That's too much. Getting dressed up for Wal Mart.
sadly, i can picture the difference between the two places...
Wal-mart has become an evening out or something? I suppose they always dine in a those fine Wal-mart restruants.
OK, this was funny, but let's not poke too much fun at the lady. Maybe there's not much going on in her town (or her life) besides Wal-Mart.
That comment does have the odor of a pig farm about it, doesn't it?
But I live in a really rural area and I see people who dress up for Wally World just like it's church. (I personally wear jeans and tees or weather-appropriate tops no matter if it's church, restaurant or Wally World. But I grew up with no manners in California.)
Oh, WOW, you're kidding! That is hilarious! I look so bad at Wal-Mart sometimes it's embarrassing.
Okay. Now I don't feel so badly for having worn a shirt to Wal*Mart that included the word "motherf*cker" (w/the actual letters--no asterisk,) over a year ago.
getting dressed up for wal-mart..yeeeeshhh
Maybe pajama bottoms are okay at the Dollar Place, while that just doesn't pass at Wal-Mart.
I certainly understand being in a small town with nothing to do. In college, my friends, including future wife, and I would sometimes walk about 3 miles to the grocery store around midnight just for some place to go. We'd stand around and make zucchini jokes.
I'm not proud.
Crap. One more store I can't go to anymore!
Oh. My. God. The laughter, it hurts. Seriously, laughing SO HARD at that. And you want to know why? Because it totally sounds like something someone who went to my North Carolina high school would say!!!!!
Then again, this is coming from the girl who's number one goal upon getting home from work is to remove her pants. Being pantless is just so dern comfortable.
Dressing up for Wal Mart?
I'm sorry, did I miss something new between my last two visits at my local Wal Mart?
Gosh darn, now I'll have to stop wearing my incredibly baggy pants with suspensders, and start dressing....normal.
Well, I'm wondering, how would she cope with Bloomingdale's or Tiffany's?
Um, maybe on account of they make her wear those store-bought foot-covers when she goes to WalMart. Whereas at the Dollar Palace she can wiggle her toes in the dirt floor...
Says a man who has shopped at Piggly Wiggly.
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