Thursday, October 2, 2008

I miss all of you...

I really do! And I'm sorry I'm not here with funny stories and outrageous situations but I am a revising fiend right now and I just need to focus! Awesome Agent Bill wants me submission ready asap. Which means I've just gone off the deep end!

But I miss all of you! I miss reading everyone's blogs. I miss everyone's comments. So please don't forget me! I will be back hopefully by next week, when I have another excerpt of my story and hopefully I will get to show you a beautifully illustrated map of my Seven Kingdoms fantasy world that the most talented illustrator in the world created for me. It is absolutely amazing... so come back next week, ok?



PS - had to leave you with a funny to watch for the week...


Anonymous said...

Ello, we are all excited for your revisions, too. Deep breaths, lots of caffeine, and know that your adoring fans will wait til the end of the earth or until the Presidential Election is over for you.

(It's a boy! Tee hee)

Anonymous said...

You just stay focused on those revisions and we'll be right here rooting for you. In the meantime, you can always have Da Man visit your regular stops sort of as a proxy (I have ulterior motives -- I'm pretty political this week) ;)

Anonymous said...

Sending good energy vibes your way to help you get through the revisions.


Anonymous said...

I'll still be here hanging on your every utterance when you are done. Go revise - be brilliant - because your book is crying out for a deal and you deserve it!

I'll send you some karma. xxx

Anonymous said...

Good for you. Stay disciplined. Be the anti-me.

And very funny commercial.

Anonymous said...

That video was freaking HILARIOUS! OMG! "Yeah, uh, it's a boy!" LOLOL!

You work on your book Ello because *I* want to read it. :D

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha. nice.


Anonymous said...

No problem. We'll be here when you get a chance to come around. Until then, get those revisions done. Yeah!

Anonymous said...

We'll still be here when you get back, Ello. I'm still planning my wedding and have been kinda absent from blogging myself. :-)

Revise!! Then when you get that huge book deal, you can send me a signed ARC. ;-)

Anonymous said...

funny as a fart joke...well, almost. it's a boy!

and, go ello go....

Anonymous said...

"Go Ello go," that's all I seem to hear

Meanwhile sympathy for Da' Man seems everywhere but near

Sure he has no manuscript to primp and make look pretty

But the tension and stress he endures could make one jump the jetty

Don't get the Da' Man wrong, he surely wants Ello to stay afloat

For at the end of the journey he'll forget the steep climb to success in his brand new boat!

Ellos' ending would be more like:

Don't get the Da' Man wrong, he knows that opportunity will eventually knock

And at the end of the arduous journey Ello will be happy as she adores her brand new rock!

Anonymous said...

Go, ello, go! Go, ello, go!

We'll be here when you're ready for us.

Anonymous said...

Ello, keep plugging away! We all want to read that book just as soon as we can. :)

Loved the video, too!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with those revisions. Take it from me, the hard work will be well worth it. Can't wait to see what you come back with. :)

Anonymous said...

That's right - stay focused! It is such a very cool zone to be in. You can do it!

Anonymous said...

Good luck, Ello! This is so exciting! You're almost there! Bravo! :-)

Anonymous said...


new ipod secrets!

take your time, you will not be forgotten :)

Anonymous said...

Get that book finished. we'll be here when you are done.

Anonymous said...

HA! Funny stuff...looking forward to your next post! do you get a thumbnail image for your WP id?

Anonymous said...

Revise, revise like the wind!!

Anonymous said...

Agent Bill....I am raking my brain wondering who he is. Good luck on the revisions. I'm sure he'll love them!

Anonymous said...

Okay!!! Point taken, I will quit blogging and reading blogs to finish my rewrite so that I can get to the POINT of inspirate Ello!

The video, too funny!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the revisions - hope they go really well!

Anonymous said...


We miss you too. Especially the way you tell those hillarious things your kids do and say!

Life changes, and this change is GOOD. Blessings on a great revision time. It can be daunting, and definitely take concentration and time.

Anonymous said...

You do what you need to do and we'll keep checking for new posts! :)

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about us, we can wait until you complete your writing and tweaking frenzy to polish off your manuscript. Just be certain to go for the odd walk outside for fresh air to keep your mind focused.

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